Janet Tashjian


My Life As a Meme

My Life as a Meme

written by Janet Tashjian
cartoons by Jake Tashjian
Henry Holt, 2019

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Books in this series

My Life as a Meme

written by Janet Tashjian
cartoons by Jake Tashjian
Henry Holt, 2019

Derek Fallon loves making funny memes, but when he finds himself the joke of a viral meme, he realizes how easy it is to offend others using this platform. Derek decides to confront the creator of the hurtful meme, all during the backdrop of a fire evacuation that has put him in the same place as his meme bully.


Common Core Guide and Worksheets for the My Life As series, prepared by Maureen Connelly, EdD, and Janet Tashjian

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Don’t miss the other books in this series.